Water Department

About the Water Department –  The Village of Princeville water treatment plant processes approximately 150,000 gallons per day.  In late summer and fall, when Seneca Foods Corp. is in full swing, the water plant processes up to 880,000 per day.

The water department is comprised of the water treatment plant, 2 water towers and 3 wells.  The water department is responsible for production, quality control, water treatment, distribution and related services to over 700 water customers.

Water Treatment Plant Operator, Brian Holt

Superintendent of Public Works, Chad Gardner


Consumer Confidence Reports – 

2022 Annual Drinking Water Report

2023 Annual Drinking Water Report


Lead & Copper Survey surveys were mailed to only 78 property owners and residents February 20, 2024.  The surveys were mailed to those with meters that did not have service line material information listed, when the radio meters were previously installed.


Cross Connection Surveys – Yet to come! 


Hydrant Flushing – Public Works will be flushing hydrants on April 9, 10, and 11.  

Hydrant valves are opened and closed to control the flow of water and flush the system lines of sediment.  Given the scouring velocities involved, flushing operations will likely lead to discolored water during, or immediately following the flushing.  

Hydrant flushing may also result in sediment being disturbed within the water mains.  Although this sediment is common and expected in any system, we are required by Illinois EPA regulations to notify our customers that this sediment may contain lead even though our water system contains no known lead conduits.  

The benefits of flushing include removal of rust and sediment, improved chlorine residual, and reduction in taste and odor; all of which can help provide high quality water to our residents. 

Things  you can do as a homeowner or business owner:

  •  If water discoloration is noticed in your residence or building, stop all water use and wait.  Several hours may be required to rid the cloudiness from the water mains that service your home or business. 
  • Turn on outside spigots, cold-water bathtub faucets, flush toilets, and run a cycle through the washing machine to clear the water in your service line. 
  • Do not wash clothes or run a dishwasher during or immediately after flushing takes place.  Washing clothes with discolored water can cause laundry stains.
  • Discolored water poses no threat to your health.  You may wish to avoid drinking or cooking with the water.    

Frozen Water Pipes & Meters – Information yet to come!